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Nekketsu oyako logo

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It leads to a few frustrating moments, but adds a little flavor on top of the traced-over feeling. Likewise, the two playable young people are more than happy to use guns found in levels that their mustachioed father figure declines to use. The most unique touch here is a sort of age system: the fatherly ersatz Mike Haggar is able to drink beer found in the environment for health, whereas the children are not. Solo or with a second player, you select from three characters (with statistics cribbed shamelessly from Capcom's venerable beat'emup) and work your way through five levels of thugs and destructible junk in the environment. Meanwhile, this is fairly meat and potatoes beat'em up. It's not a pervasive issue throughout the game, but it is a real bummer when it does appear. A few enemies comprised of water here have some splash effects upon being battered around that bring things to an absolute crawl. Special mention has to go to a section of the second level, which takes place in a not-exactly-Biblical belly of a whale setting. Nekketsu Oyako's chunky, dollar store Final Fight designs at times overwhelm the PlayStation. Those games are renowned for the amount of stuff flying around on screen at any given point with no slowdown, performing wizardry on the venerable Motorola X68000.

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This is actually a TecnoSoft joint, the same TecnoSoft that put together the masterful Thunder Force series on the Mega Drive. You walk right, and you pulverize everything. But whereas Crime Crackers is a difficult recommendation to non-Japanese speakers due its reliance on textual clues and menus, Nekketsu Oyako is as a simple a game as one could want. Nekketsu Oyako is one of two games available on Japanese PSN that date all the way back to the Japanese launch of the PlayStation, the other being Crime Crackers.

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